The case concerned whether the right to thermal modernization relief could be classified as property rights, i.e. subject to inheritance. Previous individual interpretations denied the right to inherit the thermal modernization relief, arguing that it was not a property right and therefore could not be taken over by the heir. In his letter, the Minister of Finance assessed that the right to thermal modernization relief on tax grounds has a property dimension, which means that it may, in principle, be taken over by the heir.
Inheritance of the right to thermal modernization relief – summary The recently issued amending tax interpretations and philippines photo editor the letter of the Ministry of Finance show that the right to the thermal modernization relief is subject to inheritance by the heir - even if VAT invoices were issued to the testator. The basis for deduction for an inherited building is the decision of the tax office on the rights and obligations of the heir, and not the invoice issued to the deceased testator. Share with others.
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